We believe that God wants to be present to each of us in a most profound way.
We believe that the "noise" of the world is making it more and more difficult for us to hear Him and allow space for Him.
Scripture says: “He would withdraw to deserted places to pray.” (Luke 5:16)
We believe we have been called to provide a place of silence, solitude, and simplicity where Catholic religious, laity, and those of sincere faith can empty themselves of the world's distractions and be filled with Him.
We invoke the constant intercession and protection of St. Joseph, who has been instrumental in every step of this vision and mission. Our prayer is: “Saint Joseph, father, man of silence, who was always present and obedient to God, we ask you to intercede for every retreatant who comes, that in this silence they may encounter the Father’s Heart.”
"Entrusting ourselves to St. Joseph as Jesus himself did is a sure way to sanctity. So many saints have heeded the advice, Ite ad Joseph, Go to Joseph! Reading the signs of the times, Patris Corde Hermitage is renewing that call for each of us to seek his patronage to teach us the Heart of the Father, especially through the humble, hidden life of the hermitage. The quiet solitude is a beautiful school for the most necessary virtues of the Christian life and promises a true renewal in the spiritual life of the diocese."
Father Brady Wagner, Director of the Spirituality Year at Saint John Vianney Theological Seminary